Case region: Portugal


Education Material

Passeio de Moliceiro: Um guia sobre o património natural e cultural / Moliceiro’s tour: A guide to the natural and cultural heritage

O património natural e cultural a bordo do moliceiro / Capacity building course design on Aveiro natural and cultural heritage

Food from the Sea: Culinary Heritage from the Sea and Ria de Aveiro

The identity of the people from Ria de Aveiro region is strongly influenced by their relationship with the sea and the Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon. The same happens with its gastronomy!

Traditional activities, such as long-distance cod fishing, coastal and lagoon artisanal fishing, or salt production, have shaped the gastronomy of the region, which is dominated by typical fish dishes such as enguias de escabeche (eels marinated in vinegar), caldeirada de enguias e de peixe (eels and fish stew), pitéu de raia (skate) and numerous codfish recipes.

This is a route through the flavours of the sea and of the Ria de Aveiro coastal lagoon, which can be tasted and appreciated in several festivals. It is also a route through the most emblematic gastronomic products, such as salt, their history and traditions.

Património Gastronómico do Mar e da Ria de Aveiro

A identidade da região da Ria de Aveiro é fortemente marcada pela relação das suas gentes com o mar e a Ria. O mesmo acontece com a sua gastronomia!

Atividades tradicionais, como a pesca longínqua do bacalhau, a pesca costeira, lagunar ou a produção de sal, moldaram a gastronomia da região, dominada por pratos típicos como as enguias de escabeche, caldeirada de enguias e de peixe, pitéu de raia e diversas receitas de bacalhau.

Esta é uma rota pelos sabores do mar e da Ria de Aveiro que podem ser provados e apreciados em vários festivais. É também uma rota pelos produtos gastronómicos mais emblemáticos, como por exemplo o sal, pela sua história e tradição.

Are you familiar with the maritime and coastal heritage of the Aveiro region?

Click on the picture below to watch the animation about the coastal and maritime cultural heritage of the Aveiro region and use the Map Your Heritage portal to share your memories, stories, and pictures. 

Preserving Aveiro lagoon coastal and maritime traditions

This Ria de Aveiro lagoon, is one of the largest coastal wetlands in Portugal. It is an area of extreme biological significance, integrated in the Natura 2000 network; and also classified as a Special Protect Area (SPA) under Directive birds (79/409/CEE) and as a Site of Community Importance (SCI) under Directive habitats (42/92/CEE). The Ria de Aveiro is characterized by a network of canals connecting urban and rural areas and offering a rare landscape where many traditional activities play an important role, such as fishing, artisanal salt production, seaweed harvesting, shellfish farming, aquaculture, agriculture. More recently, new economic opportunities emerged, mostly related to tourism activities. Despite the renewed interest in traditional activities, some of the intangible coastal and maritime cultural heritage (CMCH) is at risk. There is a need to balance cultural heritage with contemporary society needs (specially related to tourism), uncovering CMCH as a means for place-making and tourism.


P.1 Integrating CH into maritime spatial planning in the Aveiro region: Preserving Aveiro lagoon traditions 

P.2 Integrating CH into coastal tourism: The lagoon traditional boats (“moliceiros”) from transport to tourism   

P.3 Salt CH – from mono to multifunctional anthropogenic landscape 

P.4 ​Culinary route in the Aveiro lagoon region: Understanding, preserving and exploring fish food CH through gastro-tourism ​

What we do

We will implement research and innovation actions geared towards: (a) recording and understanding the region’s coastal and maritime cultural heritage (CMCH), (b) engaging local stakeholders and coastal communities to participation actively in the management of CMCH, and (c) develop capacity building for tourist operator. By providing a deeper understanding of the region’s CMCH, we intended to analyze how opportunities supported in CMCH-tourism and gastronomy tourism can promote traditional activities adapted to current demand.

Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago
Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago

Our team

Cristina Pita

WP7 LEAD, Responsible researcher in UAVR. Expertise in coastal and marine recreation activities, fisheries, cultural ES.

Ana Lillebo

Researcher. Coordinator of CESAM. Expertise in ecology, biodiversity and coastal ES.

Carlos Costa

Researcher. Head of DEGEIT and of the Tourism Research Group in GOVCOPP. Expertise in tourism and planning.

Helena Albuquerque

Researcher. Expertise in tourism development and planning.

Margarida Silva

Research fellow. Expertise in tourism development and planning.

Filomena Martins

Researcher. Expertise in coastal and marine planning, governance and nature heritage knlowledge.

Lisa P. Sousa

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at University of Aveiro & CESAM. Expertise in integrated coastal management, maritime spatial planning, ecosystem services.

Rosa Pinho

Researcher. Herbarium Curator. Expertise in Natural Heritage and Environmental Education

Fátima Lopes Alves

Researcher. Expertise in integrated coastal and marine planning and management.

Contact us


Universidade de Aveiro

Campus Universitário de Santiago

3810-193 Aveiro



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