PERICLES team accompanied the European Union delegation to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) in Seattle on February 14-16th, 2020.

As part of the EU delegation, PERICLES team organised a scientific session entitled “Imperilled cultural heritage: mitigating threats, co-producing knowledge”. The scientific session was moderated by Corrina Amtiq of European Commission Research Executive Agency. Alyne Delaney presented “Using Citizen-Science and Place-based Education of Maritime Culture Heritage” and Katia Frangoudes “Co-creating the Designation of Maritime Intangible Cultural Heritage”. 

Also shown was the movie “Locmariaquer: (between) cultural/community heritage, citizen science & policy” by Laure Zakrewski, Charline Guillou and Sybill Henry of UBO France. A rich discussion with the participants followed the presentations. During the session, Lorenzo Palloni made two drawings based on the two presentations to illustrate them live (see drawings below).

At the EU exhibition stand, the PERICLES team discussed with Jean-Eric Paquet, the General Director of EU DG Research and Innovation, the content and objectives of the project as he wanted to learn more about the use of citizen sciences by the project.

Other visitors wanted to know if the PERICLES portal “Mapping my Heritage” could be extended to other continents.

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