MARE Policy Day 2021: Coastal & Maritime Cultural Heritage


PERICLES are excited to announce the program for MARE Policy Day, an online policy event in connection with MARE Conference. We have been working with the FisherCoast project and SOAS to produce an varied and interesting day about policy integration and maritime cultural heritage- for more details and registration please visit the MARE website

MARE Policy Day Full Session Descriptions

Welcome & Opening

Welcome from Kristen Ounanian, coordinator of PERICLES

Integrating cultural heritage in ocean science and sustainable development: the next ten years

Presenter: Antony Firth, Fjordr Limited, Ocean Decade Heritage Network

Integration of the Sea and the City

This session focuses on the question of disconnection and integration of the sea and the city, and reimagining the use of the sea/fjord as an extension of cities, towns, villages. Reza will talk about the fact that while historical dockland areas were a part of cities, a joint that connects cities and seas, docklands and ports are now isolated from urban life in large cities due to security and safety issues. He will suggest that rituals and festivals are one of the ways that would contribute to reviving the integration of seas and cities. Carsten will talk about small coastal towns and villages, and how rethinking the use of the water may help transform local development paths. He will discuss this in terms of a renewed view to cultural heritage, changes in local governance ‘spaces’ and practices, as well as how local and regional policymaking can learn from this. The session will invite stakeholders to share their views on the integration of the sea and the city.

Chairs: Carsten Jahn Hansen (Aalborg) & Reza Masoudi (SOAS)


  • Stein Arne Rånes: Senior Advisor, Troms & Finnmark County, Norway
  • Anders Have Espersen: Director Museum Mors, Denmark
  • Kim Daniel Larsen: Head of Urban Renewal, Thisted Municipality, Denmark
  • Joanne Attard Mallia: Valletta Cultural Agency, Malta

Format: Presentations & Discussion

Intangible cultural heritage knowledge: its challenges and opportunities

Fisheries, seaweed harvesting, oysters and fish farming, boatbuilding, and other maritime activities shaped local landscapes and coastal communities’ identities throughout the world. Recently, coastal populations involved in these activities have decreased for multiple reasons including the departure of young people from coastal communities for alternative livelihoods, declining resources, fisheries policies promoting consolidation and specialization of fleets and fishing activities. In many places, the skills and know-how of these fisheries-related activities has disappeared; however, some places have been able to maintain knowledge networks, and have found other modes to help the traditions survive. The session will discuss experiences from Malta, Portugal, Denmark, and Greece on opportunities in tourism and recreation for safeguarding traditions, as well as the challenges that remain.

The videos included here are supplementary material linked to the session topic and can be viewed in advance.

Panelists (in progress)

  • Dr. Alicia Said, Ministry of Fisheries, Malta
  • Ms. Kirsten ‘Pipsen’ Monrad Hansen  Han Herred Havbåde; Nordic Clinker Boat Traditions
  • Dr. Dimitra Mylona Fisheries Research Institute, Nea Peramos, Kavala
  • Prof Inês Amorim Transdisciplinary Research Centre Culture, Space and Memory University of Porto

Format: Roundtable/Q&A session

Bringing together cultural and natural heritage

The distinction and differentiation between cultural and natural heritage is now recognised as problematic and there are increasing calls for better integration of the two. In this session we will discuss the challenges and opportunities for better integration of these heritages, drawing on lessons learned from existing initiatives such as the World Heritage List and ecosystem-based approaches, as well as examples of their application through specific place-based management approaches.


  • Mr. Christopher Fontfreyde, Marine Natural Parks of Mayotte and Glorieuses (PNM Mayotte & Glorieuses), France, Director
  • Dr. Martín Andrade-Pérez, Fundación Erigaie, Colombia, Researcher
  • Mr Geoffrey De Vito, GD Synergy
  • Dr Antony Firth, Ocean Decade Heritage Network
  • Mr Bruno Marmiroli, Mission Val de Loire, France, Director
  • Mrs Chloé Campo de Montauzon, Association of French World Heritage Sites, France, Director
  • Mrs Gabriela Mota Marques,  Museu da Cidade de Aveiro | Portugal, archaeologist and Coordinator of Museums and Heritage services

Format: A series of short presentations followed by discussion

Policy integration of coastal and maritime cultural heritage

Capturing cultural heritage within planning processes and new developments regarding economic opportunities (Blue Growth) has proven to be difficult. This session will reflect on the conflicts and opportunities, by providing room to policy makers to share their views based on their own policy practice. In a Q&A-like session, they will discuss the ways in which they see cultural heritage management and practices are (not) integrated within and across a wide range of policy domains. The panelists  will also reflect on linkages between (inter-)national, regional and local levels, addressing good practices and future lessons, thereby building upon the Session “Integration of the Sea and the City”.

Chair: Hilde Toonen, i.c.w. Maili Roio


  • Ms Andrea Klomp, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency), the Netherlands
  • Ms Triin Lepland, Ministry of Finance, Estonia
  • Ms Fiona Mills NatureScot, UK
  • Mr Philip Robertson, Historic Environment Scotland, UK

Format: Q&A & Discussion

Museums and Memories: Composing Maritime Cultural Heritage

This panel will offer four papers about how maritime cultural heritage is remembered, forgotten, edited, and regenerated. One main focus will be upon maritime museums. The two ethnographic examples covered include the fishing museums in Piran, Slovenia [(Franco Juri (Maritime Museum Piran) and Natasa Rogelja (ZRC SAZU)]: “History and Heritage in the Maritime and Fishery museums. The case of NE Adriatic” and Hastings, East Sussex [(Tom Selwyn (SOAS)]: “Weaving and mending holes in nets of memory on the English south coast”. Another main focus of the panel will be upon the public articulation of memories and narratives about features of maritime history in Belfast, Northern Ireland [Brendan Murtagh (QUB) and Senija Causevic (SOAS)]: “Waterfront regeneration and the creative destruction of memory in Belfast, NI” as well as similar issues in Rijeka, Croatia (Senija Causevic).

Chair: Tom Selwyn


  • Prof. Brendan Murtagh, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Dr. Senija Causevic, SOAS
  • Mr. Franco Juri, Piran Museum, Slovenia
  • Dr. Nataša Rogelja Caf,  Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  • Prof. Tom Selwyn, SOAS


Acknowledgements and future connections

Chair: Kristen Ounanian

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